FAQ よくあるご質問
個人のお客様for Customers
ビールはどこで飲めますか?Where can we get our hands on the brews?
飲食店さんやビアバーさんのタップリストは毎日変動しますので、ピンポイントでの情報提供は難しいですが、Instagramのハッシュタグ #westcoastbrewing や #wcbshizuoka またはUNTAPPDをチェックすると、見つけやすいかもしれません!
静岡までお越しの場合は用宗のブルワリー真向いの直営ホテルや、その他の静岡の直営店や大阪・沖縄の直営全店舗でも飲むことができます。缶商品については、別の質問の回答をご参照ください。Best bet is to check out #westcoastbrewing or #wcbshizuoka on Instagram, or UNTAPPD to see where other folks are drinking it. The goods and cans are also available Tues-Sun at our all branches in Shizuoka prefecture.
Got to "LOCATIONS" for more information about our branches. (see FAQ answer below for more details for can)
缶はどこで購入できますか?Where can I get my hands on some of your cans?
WCB公式ECサイト、もしくは全国の酒販店さんにて購入することができます。お近くで見つからない場合は、ぜひ近隣の酒販店さんにお問い合わせください(リクエストいただくことで、取扱ってもらえることも…!)。もちろん、用宗のブルワリー真向いにあるタップルームや、JR静岡駅近隣の直営店「12 - twelve」「WCB第参番移動式冷蔵庫」、浜松市「OASIS」、大阪「WCB DARK LAB」「WCB UMEDA 1」、沖縄「WCB CHATAN」ではテイクアウトでのご購入が可能です。
Online Shop OR if you are so fortunate we are wholesaling limited quantities to a variety of liquor stores throughout Japan (makes it sound like a lot but it’s not). We also have the goods at our Mochimune Taproom as well as at “12 - twelve” which is a 5 min walk from JR Shizuoka Station, "WCB Container" which is 15 min walk from the JR Shizuoka station, and go to "Location" for more information about our branches.
グラスの販売はありますか?Do you sell beer glasses?
現在はWCB直営ホテル『The Villa & Barrel Lounge』1Fにあるタップルームにて、10ozのチューリップグラスのみ販売中です。在庫には限りがあるため、早めのGETをオススメします! ※その他の店舗やECサイトでは販売していません。何卒ご了承ください。
10 oz Tulip Glasses are available at The Villa & Barrel Lounge, 1F Taproom. We recommend to get one swiftly since these are limited to stock on hand!
*Not on sale at any other branches or online stores. Thank you for your understanding.
ブルワリーの見学はできますか?Is it possible to tour the brewery?
https://www.westcoastbrewing.jp/about/brewery/We have started offering tours from July 2022, only on Saturdays and Sundays by reservation. Tour reservations can be made by anyone, even those who are not staying in the hotel. In order to ensure the safety of our customers, please comply with the following rules:
As alcohol is both made and consumed in the brewery, people under the age of 20 years old are not permitted to join the tours.
The brewery is a factory and as such can be a dangerous place. Children (including newborns) are absolutely not permitted on tours. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. To make a reservation, please fill out the form below.
▼Please click here for more information and reservation.
飲食店・酒類販売店様for Restaurant & Liquor store owners
飲食店や酒販店でビールを取扱いたいです。どうしたらいいでしょうか?I run a bar or restaurant interested in serving WCB beer, what should I do?
Hit “CONTACT” on the menu above and head to the bottom of that page and fill out the form accordingly - or just send us an email at wcbshizuoka@gmail.com. We can do English and Japanese no issues, choose the one you are more comfortable with.
業務用として販売している商品を教えてくださいWhat kind of products do you sell?
We sell 15L kegs and 500ml cans by the case(there are 24 cans in a case). The lineup of beer changes weekly, so, to view and purchase beer, simply go to“CONTACT” on the menu above and proceed to the bottom of the page to fill out the form accordingly to place your order of happiness!
もちろんです!下記URLからダウンロードをしていただき、お店のPOPやメニューにご活用ください。各ビールの商品画像は、「OUR BEERS」のページよりどうぞ。POPやメニュー以外で使用の際は、事前に必ずご相談ください(無断でのグッズ制作等はお断りいたします)。またご使用の際は、ロゴの加工や改変はご遠慮ください。
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1llmx0xtycIUsMYnK2ptjeYJPOilD1lXx?usp=sharingOfcourse! You can download them from the URL below. You can also download images of each beers! → Go to "OUR BEER". Advertise WCB as much as you can!
▼Tap to download
イベント出店の相談をしたいですWould you be willing to participate / bring your beer to our event?
Hit “Contact / Visit” on the menu above and head to the bottom of that page and fill out the form accordingly - or just send us an email at wcbshizuoka@gmail.com. We can do English and Japanese no issues, choose the one you are more comfortable with.
WCBで働きたいです!求人の募集はしていますか?I'd like to work at WCB! Are you hiring?
そう思っていただけて嬉しいです。求人については公式Instagramや、本サイトのTOPにある「WHAT'S NEW」にてお知らせしていますので、ご確認ください。クラフトビール好きな情熱にあふれている方、ぜひお気軽にご連絡を!
Thank you for choosing our company;) Check our job listing information on our official instagram or go to the TOP and check "WHAT'S NEW" on this website. Contact us if you love craft beers and are passionate. We'd love to expand our beer making family with you!