STORY ストーリー

シアトル出身の建築家であるデレック・バストンは、「故郷のアメリカで飲んでいた美味しいクラフトビールが日本にはなぜ無いのか。あのビールを日本でも飲みたい」と考えていた。彼のこの想いが始まりとなり、後にWest Coast Brewingは誕生する。
It all began with one Hop Dude – and a quest for fresh West Coast style brews.
The premise of West Coast Brewing is super simple. You can wait 3 months or more for a beer to be imported and handled in who knows what way, pay a bunch of money and be underwhelmed – or you can make it yourself, super fresh, the way you want it. Derrek (an architect by trade who came to Shizuoka from Seattle in 2003) in his travels home to visit would hit the scene in Seattle and LA and essentially got tired of having nothing even close in Japan.

建築家のデレック・バストンが代表を務める、設計事務所兼工務店のWest Coast Design。2014年にデレックはウイスキー蒸溜所の設計と建築依頼を受ける。その中で、酒造プロセスや設備の配置、製造における導線などの知識を得たことが、ブルワリーの立ち上げを決意するきっかけとなる。
The idea for a brewery originally began back in 2014, when Derrek designed the Shizuoka Distillery for Gaiaflow. This was his first real look into brewing / distilling, and through countless visits to breweries and distilleries as well as interviews with industry professionals, making a brewery very quickly seemed to feel less and less daunting.

デレックはクラフトビールの製造に取り掛かる前に、マーケティングを兼ねてクラフトビアバー「12 – twelve」を2017年にオープンさせる。自分たちが美味しいと思う本場アメリカのビールを提供し、それらが日本で受け入れられる確証を掴む。ブルワリー・バー経営者・消費者、それぞれの視点からビールを捉えたうえで、ブルワリーの構想が本格化していく。デレックはビール造りのノウハウを学びつつ、経験豊かな醸造家を迎えてビールの開発に取り掛かる。
Gaiaflow was also the inspiration for West Coast’s first move into craft beer – a bar in Shizuoka called “Twelve”. The idea was to get his feet wet with handling kegs and courting customers, all the while looking to verify his hunch that there was a massive demand for the kind of beer Derrek wanted to drink. After a short time, it became clear that the good stuff was going to be a hit. All the while he was researching and meeting with industry folks, making connections that would have a profound impact on what was about to begin.

最高のロケーションを兼ね備えた、静岡県静岡市・用宗(もちむね)の地にブルワリーを構え、West Coast Brewingが2019年より始動。クラフトビールの本場・アメリカの味を感じさせるWCBのビールは、多くのクラフトビールファンの方々に支えられ、創業からわずか2年の2021年には、日本全国47都道府県に取扱店が増加。アジア各国への輸出も開始する。
West Coast Brewing brewed it’s first batch in early June of 2019 – in a renovated formerly abandoned tuna processing plant on the Mochimune marina. 2 years and 100 releases later, WCB keeps pumping out hoppy goodies, with sales to all 47 prefectures in Japan as well as Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The quest for fresh West Coast style brews continues.