Backyard Legend
Verdant Hazy Pale Ale / 5.0% ABV
w/Nelson Sauvin & Strata
壁当てや素振りをすれば、家の裏庭は大きな球場にたちまち大変身。特大のホームランに大歓声が巻き起こり、ダイヤモンドをゆっくり一周。……そんな妄想に想いを馳せる、かつての野球少年Hop Dude。
Had that big backyard. Or the field on the side of the house. Or if you lived in the big city, you were out on the street or down at the park. Boy were we spoiled. The adolescent Japanese baseball fantasy wouldn't be complete without the kid out in the street or on the gravel sandlot, tank top-clad & super tan, going ball-on-a-string until 9pm, swing after methodical swing. In his mind--the lights, the cameras (more now than ever before), the game-winning run in scoring position (kinda makes you wonder if kids these days are thinking about how they'll diatribe up the post-game celebrations on TikTok, cuz we def didn't have that luxury/vice..but I digress). Simply put Backyard Legend is a hazy born for the summer. Not that scalding hot blacktop heat haze, no. The kind you rip down with a sausage or brisket off the BBQ before your victory lap. Early evening stadium lights, the crowds are packed in now. The ever-so-slightly cool breeze and 5.0% dry fruity goodness are here to take you to the promised land. If beer is a drink for the "now", then we cordiallly invite you to come hang out in our Backyard. And bring your glove,