Full Hop Alchemist v32
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Enigma, Sultana & Sultana Lupulin
翠色に輝き迸る錬金術、今年の研磨が形になる。気が付けば2023年が終盤戦へ突入するも、Alchemistは常に進化していくHopの力を引き出すため日々の鍛錬に余念が無い。精神一到、彼に成し遂げられないことなど皆無であり、さらに多くのHop Dudeたちを惹きつける32回目の賜物。
Word on the street is that our Alchemist just sits in his hop closet juggling massive bags of Big Boi IPA hops all day—not (entirely) accurate. The combos gon’ get real Hop Dudes. V32 is about to hit taps and shelves (and your squeaky clean glass… fingers crossed) and is a bold blend of two hops that are not as familiar to modern IPA savants—Enigma and Sultana. Full disclosure: it’s a little sweeter than most of our FHA offerings, and a touch out of balance (missed the mark just a touch?), likely due to a lighter body and slightly warmer mash temp (the jury is out, but adjustments are in order). It is however also absolutely delicious, loaded with fantastic FLAVORS of the lychee / white grape and overripe mango persuasions, with a subtle yet solid strawberry candy-like component. In a word V32 is very tropical, but brings all kinds of fascinating sensory in a hazy quite unlike anything we have cooked up to date.