Hazy IPA / 7.5% ABV
w/Freestyle Pacifica, Sabro & El Dorado
WCB × Be Easy Brewing × Black Tide Brewing
Special Collaboration!
夜が深まるにつれ、未来の希望はキラリと輝く星の瞬きに。それぞれが遠く離れた場所から、願いを込めて叶える1杯のビール。さぁ、いよいよ始まる?!静岡 - 青森 - 気仙沼の心意気、トリプルコラボレーション!
3ブルワリーで一緒に考案したレシピを基に、それぞれがお気に入りのホップ(※)を持ち寄り、WCBブルワーの手によって完成させたHazy IPA。
(※WCB→Freestyle Pacifica、BEB→Sabro、BTB→Eldorado)
足取りは自然とより楽しい方向へ向かい、気の合う仲間と繰り広げるビール愛に溢れた #hopstories 。
So you wanna make a movie? Something beer-related? Cowboys and Hop Dudes? We can do that. Friends gather around the fire and let us tell you a couple of #hopstories. Our story starts with Magical Malt and Grain. The Hot Water Bandit, hungry for the bounty on their magical mysteries catches them at just the right speed and temp, extracting their powers into a small (stainless steel) knapsack. Upon returning to town to claim his bounty the Bandit is met by the Boiler, a fierce outlaw who is literally always in a Hot mood. The Boiler seizes the knapsack of magic and makes his way to the town Fermenter for a respite - only to find nothing but trouble. Upon joining a high-stakes poker game, he finds himself all-in 4 ways to the flop with Sabro, El Dorado and the upstart Freestyle Pacifica. With his bag of magic on the line, how will the flop fall? Will it be Lemon or White Peach? Loads of tropical flavors or citrus? Velvety smooth mouthfeel? Which of our stars is destined to claim the knapsack and ride gloriously into the sunset? Join us for the premiere of #hopstories this week and find out how it ends - or is this just the beginning?
Casting by WCB, Be Easy and Black Tide Brewing, c.s.a.