Morning Clouds
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/EG Comet, EG Comet CGX, Mosaic, Cashmere, Motueka, Mosaic CRYO & Mosaic Incognito
日々、己の限界以上と向き合い続けるAlchemist。そんな彼が唯一気を許す、とっておきの場所。あたり一面に広がる雪景色と真っ白な雲が、朝を迎えるとともにオレンジ色に染まる。神秘的なオーラを放つその光景こそ『Morning Clouds』。
降り注ぐ陽光を浴びチャージされる無限のエネルギー。その光景を実際に目の当たりにした者は、未だAlchemist以外に存在しないのだと言う。まるで彼が造り出すHazyのようなその情景は、これからも幻として語り継がれるだろう。錬金術に憧れるHop Dudeたちは知らない、秘密のお話。
We don't get too many of these in the Shiz, tbh. Blessed with impeccably clear blue skies, there's almost a kind of nagging longing to see some freaking CLOUDS. And in the morning? You want them opaque af, pumping the no hop burn strawberry sundae feels, so we did just that. With every sip this elixir has you questioning not only the ABV on the can but also the very meaning of your existence. Pillowy Django Reinhardt goodness boys and girls. I would be remiss not to mention the insane hop blend in this one, EG Comet CGX+T90, Mosaic CRYO+T90 with a dash of Cashmere and Freestyle Moteuka. Morning Clouds!