Slow Motion
CBD-Infused Hazy Session IPA / 4.5% ABV
w/El Dorado, Idaho7 & Idaho7 CRYO
Because we got tired of going fast. These weekly releases (while glorious and representative of what makes small-batch craft beers winna) can really grind on you. Like all this label madness. And naming. And schedule wizardry. And other fun stuff. So we made a beer to remind us to chill the fk out, aka step back and smell the spent grain. And while we’re at it, we decided to load it up with flaked oats, El Dorado and Idaho 7 because we can. A dash of CBD for that chronic back pain and you’re about to experience Slow Motion. This is a 4.5% drink-all-day hazy that is going make you fall in love with beer all over again, with all kinds of pineapple and white peach sensory feels. Come take a break with us and enjoy the now, before we ramp it up back to hyper speed (too late!).