The Guardian
Wheat Waffle Imperial Stout / 14.5% ABV
w/Roasted Pecan, Maple Praline and Vanilla
2nd Collaboration!!
闇黒に渦巻く遥か彼方、仄暗い虚無の空間に、巨大な身体が鎮座する。その存在は今までの悪=Nemesisたちを容易く凌駕する、誰もが恐れ慄く存在『The Guardian』。
※Artwork by Newkids (Kensuke Takahashi & KAREZMAD)
He sits still atop his throne, surrounded by Darkness. Your steps, meant for stealth instead akin to the violent crashing of gongs, echoing throughout the chamber. Your cold sweat gives way to uncontrollable shaking, fighting for control. But why doesn’t he see you? You’ve been here before—it feels so real, yet you know its a dream. Or is it? As you approach closer the flashes begin. Your past, your future? Each dream is precisely like the last. There is a sound behind you and he suddenly stands—and you wake, the memory crystal clear—yet the message uncertain.
Our stout journey continues in 2024. For WCB this is actually a never-before uncharted-waters Imperial. For places and things yet unrevealed, a stout with something completely new. And if excessively bumping up the wheat/oat content and cranking it to 14.5% wasn’t enough, The Guardian has been infused with even rarer magics in the form of roasted pecans, vanilla beans, maple syrup and butter pecan flavorings—and synthesized with our (tried and true? Traditional?!) multi-mash long boil for maximum Darkness.