White Wizard
White Ale / 5.0% ABV
用宗にあるHop Academyの校長は、白い髭を蓄えたWhite Wizard。多くのHop Dudeたちから慕われている彼は、過去のすべてのWCBビールのレシピを管理している。
そんな彼はかつて唯一、Nemesisに対抗して退けることに成功した、伝説のアルケミストだ。宿敵Nemesisの復活が、White Wizardを彼にとって最後の戦いへと誘う。
Long before Hop Dude landed in Mochimune the White Wizard fought and felled the mighty Nemesis in a battle for the ages. A legendary Full Hop Alchemist, the Wizard has been in hiding refining his craft, and his latest creation is nothing short of magic. Coming in at an easy drinking 5.0% and using one his favorite noble hop varieties, White Wizard is a distinctly WCB take on a traditional white ale. Orange zest, clove and banana aromas lure you in a dominating orange peel and spice extravaganza.