Session IPA / 4.5% ABV
w/Grapefruit, Amarillo, Cascade & Lemon Drop
West Coast Brewing × びあマ亀戸 × KAMEIDO CLOCK(カメクロ横丁)
Special Collaboration!
ノスタルジックな風情も残るこの地に、新しき街の拠点として開業する大型商業施設「KAMEIDO CLOCK(カメクロ横丁)」。館内には、WCBとも親交が深い『びあマ亀戸』が誕生!
緑風と共に爽快に登場した、グレープフルーツピューレ in Session IPA。春時雨の合間にうらうらと陽気が降り注ぎ、今年も藤の花が咲き乱れる。
KAMECLO is a WC-style Session IPA w/Grapefruit we cooked up with our good friends at Beer-Ma to celebrate the grand opening of their new digs in Kameido. Sprawling metropolitan area in Asia new to craft and the IPA game? Get those folks a worthy introduction brew shall we. The Hop Dude came to play with additions of Amarillo, NZ Cascade, and Lemondrop for more citrus balance, rounding out a super easy-drinking and “made to be gateway” style IPA. Grats to our mates and cheers to a smooth opening!