The Hop Oracle
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/El Dorado & Riwaka
闇雲なホップの盗難が相次ぐ用宗では、Dark Crisipi Boiの過ちにより事態は深刻化の一途を辿るばかり。……一連の黒幕がNemesisの仕業なのは明白だ。優勢に見えたこの闘いであったが、一挙に不利な状況に陥り、ありとあらゆるビールをコンスタントに生み出し続けるAlchemistたちは覚悟を決める。もはや彼に相談をする他ない。そう、Hop Dudeの始祖“Hop Oracle”に。
幻の仙人と呼ばれ、選ばれた者だけが明晰夢で出会うことができる“Hop Oracle”。陰と陽、光と闇が交錯する現代の事情はお構いなし、全Hop Dudeたちの師であり背中を押す絶対的存在だ。
Beyond campfire stories and old wives' tales, little is known about the origin of our Hop Dudes. Before their migration to Mochimune, there were countless bouts between good and evil, displacement and hiding, evading the reach of the Darkness only to be found again and war; an exhausting existence. What is well recorded however are the ways in which our Hop Heroes escaped extinction - legendary feats of strength matched with equally epic twists of fate - and in each instance but for a moment the Oracle would play an important role.
With yet another siege looming we call upon The Hop Oracle for guidance. Some say it is a Hop Dude-created machine, a kind of tessaract of light - others say the Oracle is a creature without form, made of the purest lupulin in the universe. ...We say it looks like a middle-aged Hop Dude with lit spectrum goggles who also doubles as a genie (part-time circus gig). The Great Oracle may or may not come to aid our Heroes - but he will be bringing the hazy goods. Loaded with Riwaka and several magic carpet-loads of El Dorado, this is an 8% citrus-maxed juicy fruit elixir that we are totally convinced gives you 3000% of your government recommended daily dose of Vitamin C (it doesn't, tho. And how dumb are those recommendations, really). It is time to spectrum up and make the Nemesis and his boys shake in their boots - after a brew of course.